Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Spectacular and Catastrophic Arrogance

Praise be. My calls for religious institutions to develop tolerance for those with alternative lifestyles has come to pass.

But wait. They must have misread my email. I didn't ask that they tolerate (shield?) predatory and dangerous schedule 1 offenders.

Channel 4 news (15th Sept 2010) aired a well researched convincing piece of journalism which suggested the Catholic Church is too slow to deal with child abusers in it's ranks.

In addition, it seems that a number of criminally convicted 'holy men' still enjoy the grace and favour of the church. This includes retaining their elevated title as Monseigneurs.

Here is an institution which is trying to apply usual levels of prevarication and obfuscation to a subject matter which demands so much more. A catastrophic failure is taking place right now.

The Pope arrives at our shores in his capacity as head of state. But what kind of 'Country' is Vatican City?

It appears this particular sovereign state is putting it own self interests above the welfare of children. Surely as a strategy for longevity it's a little bit flawed. Are they trying to doom themselves?

So I don't entirely blame the Catholic Religion. After all, if I'd behaved the way they have, I'd want to put myself out of your misery too.

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