Thursday, December 23, 2010

Grotesque Protest

It's hard to ignore the evidence of police brutality at the recent student protests. The myriad of accounts of that day point towards some very dubious practices by the police.

Some of the student protestors are of course partially to blame for the violence. Those responsible should be held to account. Those police committing acts of brutality should also be taken to task.

At subsequent protests, individuals should think about using covert camera's and recording equipment to capture any illegal acts to help the police on two counts. Firstly to tag the troublemakers wanting to disrupt peaceful protest but also to weed out the police officers using disproportionate force.

Undercover reporters should have been in the middle of the student protests. Perhaps next time, the main networks will ensure they have wide eyes on the proceedings.

The students are right to demand their right to peaceful protest. The police are right not to accept violence from the crowd. Individuals on both sides need to take responsibility for their own actions.

Recording equipment.
Wireless real time upload.
Balanced reporting.

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